Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Plecost - Wordpress finger printer Tool

Dari sumber plecost menyebutkan bahwa :

Wordpress finger printer tool, plecost search and retrieve information about the plugins versions installed in Wordpress systems. It can analyze a single URL or perform an analysis based on the results indexed by Google. Additionally displays CVE code associated with each plugin, if there.
Plecost retrieves the information contained on Web sites supported by Wordpress, and also allows a search on the results indexed by Google.
Yang menjelaskan bahwa plecost mencari informasi versi plugin yang terinstal pada sistem wordpress sebagai sumber yang telah terindeks oleh Google.

How To ? 
Usage: ./ [options] [ URL | [-l num] -G] 

Google search options:
-l num : Limit number of results for each plugin in google.
-G : Google search mode

-n  : Number of plugins to use (Default all - more than 7000).
-c : Check plugins only with CVE associated.
-R file : Reload plugin list. Use -n option to control the size (This take several minutes)
-o file : Output file. (Default "output.txt")
-i file : Input plugin list. (Need to start the program)
-s time : Min sleep time between two probes. Time in seconds. (Default 10)
-M time : Max sleep time between two probes. Time in seconds. (Default 20)
-t num : Number of threads. (Default 1)
-h : Display help. (More info: 

* Reload first 5 plugins list:
plecost -R plugins.txt -n 5
* Search vulnerable sites for first 5 plugins:
plecost -n 5 -G -i plugins.txt
* Search plugins with 20 threads, sleep time between 12 and 30 seconds for
plecost -i plugin_list.txt -s 12 -M 30 -t 20 -o results.txt 

Syntax :

./ -i wp_plugin_list.txt –G

Sumber : 
  • plecost Wordpress fingerprinting tool -

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